Archive for November, 2009

Failure to take a photo
November 30, 2009

I failed to take a photo of Jethro, or fathering type activities. As compensation, this video of Jethro (taken in October) is presented.

Atypical headgear
November 29, 2009

Moments before tears
November 28, 2009

Jethro makes his way onto the stage as a candle at the Year End Concert -- but then he spotted us and tears ensued

November 27, 2009

The pater, actually in a photo! Thanks Mum for the photography services

Child Pot Dustpan Chair Tiles
November 26, 2009

What it says

Recovery from Betrayal
November 25, 2009

Peaceful now, but screamed when I left him with Grandad

This post is back-dated. I did take the photo on the 25th though, but there was a power failure when I got home from the fashion show.

Recycling Labyrinth
November 24, 2009

Not likely to get lost -- even at 18 months

Pizza glutton
November 23, 2009

In the spirit of full disclosure, I actually took this picture yesterday, but I post it because it’s better than any of the ones I took today.

I shall not cheat again. Promise.

There are no complaints when it comes to pizza

Photo a day
November 23, 2009

Much like what is going on at the Waffle Group, Paternity Ward is becoming a photo a day project.

Since people hardly ever take photos of me, the photos are going to be mostly of Jethro, or Jethro-related. Essentially this blog is going to be come a kind of weird shrine to him, tracking his growth through life for all to see.

Once he’s a teenager, I expect him to hate me for it. His siblings will hate me too, since they’ll also get the photo a day treatment once they come along.

One again, the longevity of this project is questionable, but it is certainly easier to take a snapshot each day than it is to write a whole long thoughtful post about something, so my odds might not be that terrible.